Physical Therapy for Balance and Dizziness

Balance and dizziness problems often seem like issues that you might have to deal with for the rest of your life. Despite the fact that balance and dizziness issues are widespread, they aren't talked about often and people feel like they are alone in the condition. But FlexPlus is here to help.
FlexPlus Physical Therapy specializes in dizziness, vestibular, and balance physical therapy in Framingham, MA.
People Who May Benefit from Balance Therapy
People with neurological disorders (Parkinson's, muscular dystrophy, drop foot, etc.)
People with balance disorders (vertigo, migraines, Meniere's disease, gait issues, etc.)
People suffering post-concussion
High Performance Athletes
Adaptive Athletes
Anyone at Risk of Falling
Balance and walking problems can result from orthopedic conditions, neurological disorders, or a number of injuries that involve the joints, muscles, and nerves.
FlexPlus physical therapists take a whole-body approach to consider whether issues with the spine, hip, knee, feet, or input from the eyes or ears contribute to imbalances, and they provide intensive one-on-one care to help you achieve the greatest independence possible.
Facts About Balance
1/3 of the population over 65 falls each year
In patients over 75, imbalance is the #1 reason for a doctor visit
1/2 of the population over the age of 80 falls each year.
1 out of 5 people who have hip fractures die within one year after injury
Falls account for 25% of all hospital admissions
Falls are the #1 cause of fractures
Falls account for 40% of all nursing home admissions
Falls are the leading case of death due to injury among the elderly
Facts About Vestibular & Dizziness Disorders
At least half of the overall United States population is affected by a balance or vestibular disorder sometime during their lives
Vestibular dysfunction is a prominent part of balance disorders, particularly in the elderly
It has been estimated that 65% of individuals older than 60 years of age experience dizziness or loss of balance, often on a daily basis
23-30% of adults have experienced at least one episode of dizziness, and 3.5% of adults experience a chronic recurrent episode greater than a one-year duration by the age of 65
There are an estimated 5-8 million physician visits for dizziness in the United States each year; dizziness is the primary reason for an office visit in the over-75 age group
Medications used to manage symptoms of dizziness often slow the recovery process
FlexPlus Physical Therapy utilizes a Solo-Step gait and balance therapy system to allow patients to experience a level of independence and confidence that is often lost when a person suffers from gait and balance issues.
The benefits to this system include:
decreased fear of falling
increase in confidence
off-loading weight while recovering from surgical repair
ability to challenge themselves
a safe environment for balance, strength, and gait training
100% safety from fall-related injuries while in use
And, the Solo-Step balance therapy equipment can be used with virtually any patient at risk of falling, making it a perfect treatment choice for patients with neurological disorders, patients with balance disorders, patients who have had a total knee or hip replacement, geriatric patients, amputees, high performance athletes, adaptive athletes, and anyone at risk for falling!